Like the rest of Thailand, Pattaya is very gay-friendly and has a fairly developed gay activity including gay bars, A-GoGo clubs, with dancers, transvestite cabaret theaters, gay massage parlors and other gay establishments Friendly where gay men from all over the world can amuse themselves according to their sexual orientation in the company of young local men.
Through the traditional Buddhist conception that human beings also consist of masculine and feminine, homosexuality among Thailand's Buddhists is neither taboo nor as stigmatized as in many Western societies. Homosexuality is not only accepted and tolerated, it is a normal feature of everyday life. The ubiquitous view of gay and (albeit to a lesser extent) lesbian couples and tolerance displayed by the public, makes life easy for gay visitors to feel at ease. A gay festival called Pattaya Gay Pride is held every year.
The city of Pattaya and Jomtien is a true paradise for foreign gay tourists. While many gay men of some ages may find it difficult to find an adequate partner in their home country, there is certainly no shortage of attractive young Thai men in Pattaya.
Many young men are employed as & quot; coaches & quot; (Ie prostitutes) in local bars and are not only ready to become your special friend for a night or two, but also act as your "guide & quot; Staff throughout the duration of your vacation. Many boys might also look for a more permanent boyfriend / foreign partner. The difference in age between partners in homosexual relations is fully accepted in Thailand.
Please note, however, that sex with boys under the age of 18 is not only strictly prohibited by Thai law, but can also lead to prosecution in your home country. The age of consent of Thailand is 15 years, but in the case of prostitution, a minimum age of 18 years applies.
HIV and AIDS, as well as other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), is certainly an important problem and a serious threat to LGBT Pattaya. Even though the risk of contracting HIV is not as high as often reported in the media (no official figures are available for Pattaya specifically), sexually transmitted diseases are unfortunately quite common in Pattaya and can easily spoil your holidays during A few days, be careful, cover yourself.
(According to the 2013 statistics, Thailand has 8,200 new cases of AIDS-related infections annually, with over 60% of homosexuals, prostitutes and drug users responsible for new infections.) Since the first case has been reported In 1984, 1.2 million Thai people were infected with HIV, and currently 460,000 Thai people, or about 0.7 per cent of the population, are living with HIV / AIDS.)